Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why do you homeschool when you hate it?

Why do you homeschool when you hate it?   I get this question A LOT.  And while I don't feel the need to explain myself to the world, I thought I would anyway.

I homeschool my kids because I think it is the best thing for my kids.  Think about the most annoying thing in your child's childhood.  Recently my friends talked about how they hated bath time.  But you did it anyway because your kids needed to be clean.  And obviously there was no other choice.  But here I am with another choice.. a very valid choice but I don't choose it. I don't want to choose it even though many days I wish I could choose it.  But deep down, I know that it's not what's best for my children.  My children need to be home with me because I am the one that is going to be the best one to monitor their special needs, their social issues, and their mental health. Will they have to go out one day either to college or the work force and navigate these issues on their own?  Absolutely!  But there is a big difference between an 18 year old having to do this and an 11 year old.  So here we are.. doing this thing.  And if you are wondering if I am doing a good job while I hate it?  Yes.. just like some people go to work and do things that they hate. I go to work and do this thing and I am good at it.

So why do you hate it so much?  Don't you want to be home with your kids?  I love my kids. I don't love the STRUGGLE.   If there was ever a time that the #struggleisreal  was true, it is for every homeschool parent.  I am burned out. I am tired of trying to get my kids to just sit down and do their work. I am tired of putting them on restriction for not doing their work. I am just tired.  But here's what I also know.. parents that put their kids in school.. just as tired. School has its own set of struggles and I try to remember that.

Changes for the Craigs. We are pursuing other high school opportunities for Andrew next year.  I would say that we have all enjoyed our time at Classical Conversations but we are looking for something new.   I want a program where I don't have to grade things and where I am not really the main teacher.  Andrew has expressed a desire to go to a school that is more lecture based and less self teaching at home.  I admire those that continue on with CC through the high school years. It is not for the faint of heart.  I don't know where Andrew will land but we are looking forward to visiting some places and praying for God's will in this area.

What to do with the little ones?  More struggle..  Peter has been doing 6th grade work at home but it's in his best interest to not go into the 7th grade class next year at CC.   So that leaves us in a limbo on what to do regarding a co-op.  To continue with CC or to not.  I think we will in some capacity but I don't know if we will do both Foundations and Essentials. Yet to be seen but I am sure it will all work out.

So there is my January homeschool in a nutshell.. Now back to yelling...err I mean schooling.. my kids!


  1. Hi, my Sunday School teachers teach at Living Science. I think it's NE of Atlanta, but they live in Kennesaw. He's an engineer from Lockheed and Nat'l Guard and she's a physicist. Both very smart and good at explaining things, They also have field trips and projects include a Rube Goldberg project which everyone enjoys.

  2. I considered home schooling but was very depressed when it was time to start and knew I couldn't do it. Depression was due to autoimmunity starting with my thyroid. (I'm really serious now about the AIP diet!). But the struggle was not so bad once I discovered something my kids would DO ANYTHING for. In our case, it was horseback riding. Worked and was worth every dime. All I had to do was devise little deterrents (like they would have to clean house for me) for the small things, but direct "I won't do that" let me threaten to miss horseback riding that week. I might never have found it if I hadn't just asked God to show me something like that. Using the same technique with the grandkids now.
