Saturday, November 15, 2014

I am not giving up

Open..honest.. transparent.. judgment..discouragement...alone..

The first three words describe the beginning of my week and the last three describe the end of my week.  You see, when I start blogging, I forgot about one thing.. I was going to be judged.  And judgment doesn't come from my non-Christian friends.. it comes from my Christian friends. No, not EVERYONE.. I have had some AMAZING encouraging friends who have messaged me about my journey and I appreciate you so much!!  But apparently in my life of la la land, I forgot that not all were going to be as receptive for what I had to say.

And while we are throwing out adjectives or nouns or whatever.. let's throw in apathy.. there are just some people that just don't care that I am on this journey..

I am alone.. oh wait no I am not.  Christ is with me. And no matter what happens. that won't change. And no matter what happens, He is the only thing that I need.  Psalm 118:6-7 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

In the interest of honesty, I still feel alone.  I hide behind a computer screen. I have not yet had a single conversation with a real human about this amazing month I have had. The month where I discovered that Jesus is the most awesome thing in the whole universe. I am scared and for good reason.. people judge me.  It would have been a lot easier if I just kept pretending...pretending that I knew Jesus like everyone else...pretending like I didn't just NOW discover Jesus ...

Yes, something happened this week. Something that made me feel like I had just been thrown in front of a mac truck.  Something that washed waves of disappointment over me. Something I should have seen coming but didn't. And now I sit behind this computer.. I don't really know what to do next.

Pray.. I am going to keep on praying.  I am not giving up.  I am not giving up on you, dear reader. I brought you on this journey and as long as you keep clicking, I am going to drag you along with me.

But I will honest (aren't I always.. ha ha!), I need some real life friends. I know many of you I don't even see in real life and that's fine but if I do see you in real life, please talk to me, give me a hug, share a Bible verse, pray over me.. I don't care ...whatever the Lord places on your heart.  Cause it's been a rough week and I wouldn't mind the encouragement that I have some Christian friends that are going to walk this journey with me.

I am not giving up..


  1. I will pray and you pray for us too! We all need it. So glad you are being open and honest! Enjoyed seeing you this week!

  2. Argh, I tried to comment on one of your earlier posts and it didn't go through for some reason and I didn't try again. Shame on me! I sat with you last night and could have mentioned it, but it didn't even occur to me. I had wanted to share that I remember when I found out the truth, too, that our purpose here is simply a relationship with Him. Things have never been the same since, and I am so delighted to hear that you have heard the same message! I would love to talk about the "alone" feelings. I think He must have a purpose for that, but please know that you are NOT alone, that you are loved and admired, not just by Him, but by some of us right beside you, too! {Hugs}

  3. I started praying for you when I read "My New Faith Journey." This is just wonderful! I, too, have left my first love and your blog puts a hunger in me that I long to return to Him.

  4. And Jesus hugs and washes dishes and sings and cleans house. We've done it together.
